We believe in the importance of being transparent about the resources entrusted to us.
If you have any questions please reach out to Dan Snyder at

Statement of Activities

Actual Budget % of Budget
Total Donations $942,436 $916,542 102.83%
Other Income $40,706 $0
Total Expenses $933,514 $926,832 100.72%
Capital Expenses $78,458 $0
Net Income $8,922 $-10,290 -86.71%

Financial Position

Cash/Current Assets $456,533
Fixed Assets $2,000,000
Total Assets $2,456,533
Current Liabilities $33,905
Long Term Liabilities $2,030,000
Total Liabilities $2,063,905
Total Equity $392,628
Total Liabilities and Equity $2,456,533

Because of Outer West's current accounting procedures, the figures above do not include the value of the Outer West property and land, which was appraised at $9.9 million in April 2023.


OWCC operates its budget on an annual calendar basis.
All financials are current as of September 30th, 2024.